This week, we visited the upcoming enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroup led by Panzergrenadierbataillon 411 from Viereck during the multinational combat training exercise Iron Fist at the German Army Combat Training Center in the Altmark
Last week, we visited the Kraftfahrausbildungszentrum Simulator in Baumholder to take photos of various Driver Training Tanks for our upcoming book series „Fahrzeuge der Bundeswehr seit 2005“
This week, we visited the Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr in Dresden to take photos of the LKW gl leicht, kurz LL 250 GD Rüstsatzträger mit Einbausatz Funk mit Modularer Schutzausstattung (MSA) for our upcoming book series „Fahrzeuge der Bundeswehr seit 2005“
After attending the Symposium 2025 this week, visited the Deutsches Panzermuseum in Munster which is always worth a trip due to the outstanding military vehicle exhibition
This week we attended the Symposium 2025 of the Freundeskreis Offiziere der Panzertruppe and the Freundeskreis der Panzergrenadiertruppe at the Panzertruppenschule in Munster
In NEWS by RalphZwilling / Februar 19, 2025 / 0 Comments
Yesterday visited the 4th Company of ABC-Abwehrbataillon 750 “Baden” in Bruchsal to take photos of the new Mungo 3 AC Spür and a decontamination exercise for our forthcoming book series “Fahrzeuge der Bundeswehr seit 2005″
In NEWS by RalphZwilling / Februar 19, 2025 / 0 Comments
On Monday visited the 2nd Company of ABC-Abwehrbataillon 750 “Baden” in Bruchsal to take photos of the Transportpanzer 1 A8A7 Fuchs ABC for our forthcoming book series “Fahrzeuge der Bundeswehr seit 2005″ not only produces high-quality photographs and publications of military vehicles, but has also set itself the goal of giving something back to people in our society who are not as well off as we are.
This week we had the opportunity to hand over a donation to little Elias in Scherneck near Coburg. Elias suffered an oxygen deficiency at birth and has been struggling with severe, irreversible life-long deficits ever since. We are using the donation to help train an assistance dog for him.