All posts in NEWS

27 Sep

Panzer Task Force – Handover to 9th Armor Demonstration Brigade Commanding Officer

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / September 27, 2017 / 0 Comments

On 26 September 2017, Daniel Nowak of M&N Pictures and I had the great honor to handover our new book „Panzer Task Force“ about the brigade combat training exercise Heidesturm 2017 of 9th Armor Demonstration Brigade to its Commanding Officer, Brigadier General Ullrich Spannuth, at his headquarters in Munster. We would like to thank him very much for providing the foreword as well as for his great support and trust. We are looking forward to working with the 9th Armor Demonstration Brigade in the future and to cover their upcoming VJTF (Land) mission in Germany and abroad.

24 Sep

Tag der offenen Tür – Panzerpionierbataillon 1

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / September 24, 2017 / 0 Comments

Today visited the open house day of the 1st Armored Engineer Battalion and the model show in favour of the Stiftung Deutsche KinderKrebshilfe der Deutschen Krebshilfe in Holzminden.

19 Sep

Schützenpanzer Puma – Live Firing

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / September 19, 2017 / 0 Comments

Today visited the live firing exercise of 3rd Company, 112th Armored Infantry Battalion of 12th Armor Brigade „Oberpfalz“ with their new Puma Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle at the Grafenwöhr Training Area.

15 Sep

Wehrtechnischer Report 2/2017

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / September 15, 2017 / 0 Comments

Recently provided high quality photos for the Wehrtechnischer Report 2/2017 published by the Mittler Report Verlag GmbH

15 Sep

Bataillonsübergabe Panzerbataillon 393 – Bad Frankenhausen

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / September 15, 2017 / 0 Comments

Yesterday evening was invited to the Change of Command Ceremony of 393rd Armor Battalion at Bad Frankenhausen, when our friend Oberstleutnant René Braun took over the command from Oberstleutnant Sven Hoffmann.

11 Sep

FTX Hunter Apex – Bataljon Bevrijding – 5 Linie

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / September 11, 2017 / 0 Comments

From 9 to 10 September 2017 visited the Belgium Bataljon Bevrijding – 5 Linie during the Combat Training Exercise Hunter Apex of the Dutch 13 Lichte Brigade at the German Army Combat Training Center in the Altmark.

05 Sep

K-ISOM issue 5/2017

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / September 5, 2017 / 0 Comments

Recently provided photos of the German Army Special Forces of the Kommando Spezialkräfte in Action as well as the Operator of the Month of Fallschirmjägerregiment 31 published in issue 5/2017 of Kommando the International Special Operations Magazine K-ISOM (

03 Sep

Leopard 2A7 – 4./Panzerbataillon 203

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / September 3, 2017 / 0 Comments

Yesterday went to the Bergen Training Area to spent the day with the Leopard 2A7 Main Battle Tanks of 4th Company, 203rd Armor Batallion of the 21st Armor Brigade „Lipperland“ to take photos for a new publication which will get released in November 2017. So stay tuned!

31 Aug

Militärfahrzeug issue 4/2017

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / August 31, 2017 / 0 Comments

For this issue provided reports about the GTK Boxer A2 Armored Personnel Carrier and the Puma Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle.

31 Aug

Panzer Task Force – 93rd Armour Demonstration Brigade training for VJTF (L)

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / August 31, 2017 / 0 Comments

In May and June 2017 Daniel Nowak and Ralph Zwilling had the very unique opportunity to visit 9th Armour Demostration Brigade from Munster during their VJTF (L) preparation exercise „Heidesturm 2017“. This new book offers you full speed, large format PANZER-ACTION at its best. Action packed dramatic pictures and the accompanying text show the capabilities of the armoured units of the modern German Army preparing for the VJTF (L) mission.