All posts in NEWS

07 Feb

Übergabe Leopard 2A7V – Panzerbataillon 104 – Pfreimd

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / Februar 7, 2023 / 0 Comments

On 3rd February 2023, was invited by Panzerbataillon 104 in Pfreimd to the vehicle handover ceremony of their first Leopard 2A7V Main Battle Tank.

Panzerbataillon 104 belonging to Panzerbrigade 12 „Oberpfalz“ will be part of Division 25 which will be formed by 10. Panzerdivision.

29 Jan

Fahrzeuge der Panzertruppe Heute

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / Januar 29, 2023 / 0 Comments

Tankograd Publishing just released this book about the German Armour Corps Vehicles – Today written by

29 Jan

Clausewitz 2/2023

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / Januar 29, 2023 / 0 Comments supported this issue of Clausewitz with high quality photos of the Pionierpanzer 2A1 NVK Dachs

24 Dez

Frohe Weihnachten / Merry Christmas

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / Dezember 24, 2022 / 0 Comments

An dieser Stelle möchten wir uns nochmals sehr herzlich bei allen beiliegten Dienststellen und Freunden im In- und Ausland für die hervorragende Unterstützung und das uns entgegengebrachte Vertrauen im vergangenen Jahr bedanken.

Wir wünschen allen Soldatinnen und Soldaten ein frohes und gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest.

We would like to take this opportunity to once again express our sincere thanks to all the involived units and friends at home and abroad for their outstanding support and the trust they have placed in us over the past year.

We wish all soldiers a merry and blessed Christmas.

17 Dez

Urban Strike – Urban Metropolitan Training Area Schnöggersburg

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / Dezember 17, 2022 / 0 Comments

Recently visited the exercise Urban Strike taking place in the urban metropolitan training area Schnöggersburg which is located within the German Army Combat Training Center in Letzlingen.

During the very challenging and intense exercise, the mechanized infantry company of Jägerbataillon 1 from Schwarzenborn with their GTK Boxer Armored Personnel Carriers trained to break into and attack an area of Schnöggersburg

Besides others, they were supported by an armored infantry platoon of 2nd Company, Panzergrenadierbataillon 212 from Augustdorf with Puma Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicles, armored engineers of Panzerpionierbataillon 1 from Holzminden, an armored infantry platoon of the 2nd Company of the training unit of the German Army Combat Training Center with Marder 1A3 Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicles, a tank platoon of the 3rd Company of training unit of the German Army Combat Training Center with Leopard 2A5 Main Battle Tanks as well as a Kaderpräsenzkompanie of the Austrian Jägerbataillon 19 from Güssing with Pandur Armored Personnel Carriers. The Kaderpränzkompanie is part of Austria’s units earmarked for international deployments.

04 Dez

Celtic Thunder – Multinational Artillery Battalion VJTF 2023 (L)

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / Dezember 4, 2022 / 0 Comments

On 21 and 22 November 2022 visited the multinational exercise Celtic Thunder of the Multinational Artillery Battalion of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (Land) 2023 in the maneuver rights area between Kusel and Landstuhl.

The Celtic Thunder exercise was based on a very sophisticated training schedule. For three days, almost around the clock, the self-propelled howitzers and multiple launch rocket systems processed the required fire commands. In addition, soldiers from Jägerbatallion 291 regularly disrupted the artillerymen’s staging areas with enemy insertions. Furthermore, soldiers from the Idar-Oberstein Medical Deployment Company repeatedly placed wounded comrades or casualties that needed to be rescued, and German Luftwaffe Tornados flew enemy reconnaissance flights to increase the pressure of the exercise. By the end of Celtic Thunder, however, all self-propelled howitzers and multiple launch rocket systems had worked through their fire commands and laid down their fire along the coordinated fire line. The fire along this CFL was the basis for the counterattack planned in the scenario.

01 Nov

Force Protection – Objektschutzregiment der Luftwaffe „Friesland“

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / November 1, 2022 / 0 Comments supported this new Spezial about the Objektschutzregiment der Luftwaffe „Friesland“ written by our friend Christian Rastätter and published by Kommando International Special Operations Magazin (K-ISOM) with many high quality photos.If you are interested in this very unique unit of the German Luftwaffe, this Spezial is the best source to get!

01 Nov

The British Army in Germany

In NEWS,Uncategorized by RalphZwilling / November 1, 2022 / 0 Comments supported this new book about the British Army in Germany written by our friend Sebastian Kreutzkamp and published by Trackpad Publishing with many high quality photos.This book is a „must have“ for all fans of the modern British Army!

24 Okt

Ausbildungs- und Lehrübung 2022 – Bergen

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / Oktober 24, 2022 / 0 Comments
Last week was invited to accompany Chancellor Olaf Scholz during his visit of the Bundeswehr Ausbildungs- und Lehrübung 2022 at the Bergen Training Area.
30 Sep

KF 41 Lynx Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / September 30, 2022 / 0 Comments
Recently had the unique exclusive opportunity to photograph the new KF 41 Lynx Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle Demonstrator with Rheinmetall Landsysteme in Unterlüß.