All posts in NEWS

23 Okt

20th Special Forces Group

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / Oktober 23, 2014 / 0 Comments

Currently visits ODA 2214 of the 20th Special Forces Group (Airborne) of the Army National Guard during training exercises at the Joint Multinational Training Center in Grafenwöhr, Germany, as part of the multinational exercise Combined Resolve III.

13 Okt

Informationslehrübung 2014

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / Oktober 13, 2014 / 0 Comments

Recently visited the Information and Training Exercise (Informationslehrübung) 2014 held by Panzergrenadierbrigade 41 at the training areas in Munster and Bergen.

07 Okt

2nd Cavalry Regimental Change of Responsibility Ceremony

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / Oktober 7, 2014 / 0 Comments

Today visited the 2nd Cavalry Regimental Change of Responsiblity Ceremony with Regimental Command Sergeant Major Shane E. Pospisil at Rose Barracks in Vilseck, Germany.

22 Sep

Tag der offenen Tür – Panzerbataillon 104 – Pfreimd

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / September 22, 2014 / 0 Comments

On 21 September 2014 visited the open day of Panzerbataillon 104 in Pfreimd.

20 Sep

Activation of Gebirgspanzerbataillon 8

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / September 20, 2014 / 0 Comments

On 20 September 2014 visited the activation ceremony of Gebirgspanzerbataillon 8 of the German Bundeswehr in Pfreimd.

20 Sep

Bundeswehr Route Clearance System

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / September 20, 2014 / 0 Comments

On 18 September 2014 visited the German Zentrum für Kampfmittelbeseitigung der Bundeswehr in Stetten am kalten Markt during the training with the Route Clearance System.

03 Sep

K-ISOM issue 5/2014

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / September 3, 2014 / 0 Comments

Recently provided reports about the Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC) and the snipers of Luftlandebrigade 26 „Saarland“published in issue 5/2014 of the International Special Operations Magazine K-ISOM (

31 Aug

Open day of the German Department of Defense 2014

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / August 31, 2014 / 0 Comments

Photo – Bundeswehr

Like in 2013 also this year supports the open day of the German Department of Defense on 30 and 31 August in Berlin and Sicherungsbataillon 12 with high quality photos of the new Gladius Dismounted Soldier – Enhanced System.

28 Jun

K-ISOM Issue 4/2014

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / Juni 28, 2014 / 0 Comments

Recently provided reports about the Fallschirmspezialzug 261 and the FTX Rote Teufel of Fallschirmjägerbataillon 261 at the German Army Combat Training Center published in issue 4/2014 of the International Special Operations Magazine K-ISOM (

21 Jun

Alpha Battery, 1st Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment „Dragons“ Live Firing

In NEWS by RalphZwilling / Juni 21, 2014 / 0 Comments

On 20 June 2014 visited Alpha Battery „Hotsteel“, 1st Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment during live firing exercises on Range 267 at the Grafenwöhr Training Area.